We’re very excited about the new venue for Cottenham Toy Library’s soft play sessions! From this autumn onwards our Friday morning sessions will be at the Cottenham Community Centre! We also have a new time of 11.15am to 12.30pm. The hall at the centre is bright and spacious, and has more room for all our fantastic equipment. Plus, while your under 5’s are exploring and enjoying themselves, you are welcome to bring in a tea or coffee from the cafe next door… perhaps head there for lunch after your kids have let off steam and had a good play?! We run two sessions every month for babies, toddlers and pre-schoolers. Sessions are £2 per child, £1 per child under 1 year (babies in arms with siblings are free) or £3 per family. There is a £5 annual membership fee for the academic year. Whether you’re a regular at our sessions, or just pop in occasionally - please, please, pretty please (with a cherry on top) could you spare just 10 minutes to help with either ‘setting up’ at 11a...