All Saints’ Church, Cottenham
Sunday 3rd December
Sunday 10th December
Nativity Story. Plus a fantastic brunch. BOOKING ESSENTIAL AS WE ARE
Facebook: revcoffeecottenham
Twitter: @revcoffeeccc
Sunday 17th December
8:30 am: Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer)
10:30 am: Parish Communion (with Sunday School and Samuel Group)
4:00 pm: Christingle Service in aid of the Children’s Society
Wednesday 20th December
3:00 pm: Nativity service. Children under 6 are invited to come dressed as a character from the Christmas story for this short family service.
Sunday 24th December Christmas Eve
8:30 am: Holy Communion (Common Worship)
5:00 pm: Christmas Eve Carol Service. Come early to this traditional carol service as the church is always packed.
11.30pm: Midnight Communion to welcome in Christmas Day
Monday 25th December Christmas Day
8:30 am: Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer)
10:30 am: Family Communion – a child friendly service. Bring along a favourite Christmas present.
For more information find us on Facebook, look at our website or contact Revd Lynda Davies on
Cottenham Baptist Church
Sunday 17th December
10.30 am: Christmas Communion & Carol Service
(with groups for children and young people)
Thursday 21st December
8-10pm: Quiet Space. The Church will be open for those who wish to have space to reflect, remember those not here this Christmas, and pray.
Sunday 24th December Christmas Eve
10.30am: Pop Up Nativity Service. Come along and join us as we create the nativity from scratch, dress as a character if you would like and join in the fun on Christmas Eve
Monday 25th December Christmas Day
10.30am: Family Service
For more information see, find us on Facebook, or contact Kate Lees on 01954 252378,
The 'revcoffee' community events at the Community Centre Coffee Shop will be:
2pm: Christmas Cinema - Home Alone
7:30 pm: Christmas Cinema - Baby Driver
7:30-9:30 pm : Arts Night Xmas Special with Music, Poetry, Art, Mulled wine and more.
Sunday 17th December
10:30 am-12:00 noon: The Roost's Legendary Shadow Puppet Nativity Xmas Brunch! An amazing opportunity for families and people of all shapes and sizes to get involved in arts, crafts and our epic retelling of the
For more info or to book for any of the above, contact Rev Simon Oliver on
Throughout December we will be holding Advent Worship Services every Sunday at 10.30am. - Please come and share with us as we Celebrate the Birth of Jesus.
Sunday, 17 December - 10.30am - Carol Service (Come dressed as characters from the Nativity (Optional))
Saturday 24 December - 5.00pm - Christingle Service & Favourite Carols
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