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Recycling - paper to go straight in blue wheelie bins

South Cambridgeshire District Council is changing the way used paper is collected from residents for recycling. From 11 December, residents won’t need to use their caddies to recycle paper anymore. From that date, residents should place their used paper directly into their blue wheelie bins instead. This used paper will still be recycled after being sorted from other materials at our facility near Waterbeach. Residents can keep their caddy to use for anything they like. Alternatively, they can be recycled by being dropped off at the nearest household waste recycling centre. They should not be placed into wheelie bins. The decision to withdraw the paper caddy service was taken at South Cambridgeshire District Council’s Cabinet meeting in September. The decision will save taxpayers money and simplify the recycling process for residents. Because of this upcoming change, the District Council will not be delivering any new paper caddies. If they are lost or stolen befor...
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Gardeners’ Club

December is a quiet month in the gardening club calendar, with no meeting. It’s a time for winter digging and ordering seeds, or perhaps just sitting by the fire! In January, on Friday 19 th , we have our popular New Year Party, with a quiz, loosely related to gardening, and supper, supplied jointly by the committee and club members. We welcome guests at a cost of £4 each for this particular meeting. The programme for 2018/19 will be unveiled at the AGM in February, when membership is due for renewal. Meetings are usually held at Franklin Gardens Community Room on the last Friday of the month, with refreshments served from 7.30 pm, followed by a talk at 7.45. For any further information please contact Sarah Dumont Tel: 01954 260482

Cricket club news

We are now very much turning our thoughts towards the 2018 season. Last summer was a rather disappointing one for us on the pitch and we are keenly looking to strengthen our young and up-coming squad in order to make a really determined push for promotion next summer. The facilities for cricket at the rec. are now the best they’ve ever been with a superb pavilion, an enlarged ‘square’ – recently doubled in size (thanks to the Parish Council for helping us to replace our now defunct old square) - which played excellently last season, mobile covers (thanks to an ECB grant and the generosity of Mr Miah at the Curry Palace) and, for next year, renovated sight screens (thanks to FECA for their financial support with these). Next season, we will be running our usual two adult sides in the CCA Leagues as well as junior teams, for which both boys and girls can play, at u11s, u12s and u14s levels. We are also planning to continue the new ECB All Stars cricket programme for 5-8 year olds which ...

Cottenham Community Centre - classes and activities

All activities in main hall unless marked ‘studio’ or 'coffee shop' Monday Mucky Pups 10.00 to 11.00 ; Adult Ballet (term time in studio) 10-11am for beginners (if sufficient demand) and 11-12 (Times may change) reserve a place;    NEW Beginners Pilates 12.15 to 13.15; ; Children’s dance 16.00 to 18.00 ( NEW  on 8 Jan taster, for drama only, for 8-13 year olds at 5.00 to 5.45) ; Zumba 7-8pm. Contact Jo Kinser ;   NEW BarreConcept 6.30-7.30pm and 7.30-8.30pm (studio) from February 2018  contact ; Community Navigators 2-3pm in the Coffee shop every other Monday – Tuesday Yoga 10-11.30am ; Pilates Explore mixed ability 10.15 – 11.15 and 11.30 – 12.30 (studio); all Pilates classes are pay as you go, Miranda de Vries ; ...

Cottenham Community Centre - Festive period

Sat 25 Nov 10-2 Xmas Market Sun 3 December 7.30 Cinema night Wed 20 Dec 6.00 – 8.00 Christmas music, mulled wine and Mince pies etc Sun 7 Jan 2018 7.30 Cinema night Sun 4 Feb 2018 7.30 Cinema night Tickets from coffee shop (01954 202109) for cinema shows and most events The above list is in addition to regular Knitting group in coffee shop at 10 on Wednesdays, Little Humbugs on Weds at 10.30am, Craft Community group on Thursdays 1.00 to 2.30; The Roost (3rd Sunday afternoon of Month at 3pm), Dads’ play (2 nd Saturday of Month at 10.30) , Arts nights for budding musicians etc 2 nd and 4th Sundays at 7.30pm), For more information contact Watch out for further events at or The coffee shop will close for food and drinks for the Christmas break at 2pm on Friday 22 Dec 2017 and Re-open on Wednesday 3 January  2018.
Rotary Car Parking in Cambridge this Christmas The Rotary Good Causes car parking, at the University Downing Site, Department of Chemistry and Cambridge Assessment Centre will start on Sat 25 November for Christmas shoppers to use the three car parks. I am delighted to say that last year we raised over £40,000 for charities and Rotary good causes. The Rotary club of Cambridge South and lots of friends, will man the car parks for six weekends starting on 25-26 November until 31 Dec 2016, plus 27- 29 Dec.. There will be a small fee of just £7 for as long as needed within car park opening hours. The car parks are at Park Terrace (turn right at the University Arms hotel off Regent Street and it is on the left), Chemistry block on Lensfield Road and the Downing site on Tennis Court Road (the pedestrian exit from this car park is onto Downing Street nearly opposite John Lewis). This last one is open until 7pm so is also good for the Panto matinee. Please help us to raise a record am...

Parish Council update

Major Building Developments Following the major planning decisions, the first of the so-called “reserved matters” applications is working its way through the planning system. These applications show how the site will actually be laid out with what size and styles of housing etc. The architects working with Bellway Homes to build 50 houses off Oakington Road appear – so far - to be listening to local concerns. They seem to respect the design principles set out in Cottenham’s Village Design Statement and brought into our emerging Neighbourhood Plan. The plans are subject to public comment and go before the SCDC Planning Committee for a decision before any building can start. Village Hall update Despite the refusal of planning permission for the integrated Village Hall & Nursery, the subsequent permission granted for nearly 400 new homes between Oakington Road and Rampton Road increases pressure for these new community facilities – and brings some financial contributions to t...