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Cottenham Community Centre - Festive period

Sat 25 Nov 10-2 Xmas Market
Sun 3 December 7.30 Cinema night
Wed 20 Dec 6.00 – 8.00 Christmas music, mulled wine and Mince pies etc
Sun 7 Jan 2018 7.30 Cinema night
Sun 4 Feb 2018 7.30 Cinema night
Tickets from coffee shop (01954 202109) for cinema shows and most events
The above list is in addition to regular Knitting group in coffee shop at 10 on Wednesdays, Little Humbugs on Weds at 10.30am, Craft Community group on Thursdays 1.00 to 2.30; The Roost (3rd Sunday afternoon of Month at 3pm), Dads’ play (2nd Saturday of Month at 10.30) , Arts nights for budding musicians etc 2nd and 4th Sundays at 7.30pm),
For more information contact
Watch out for further events at or

The coffee shop will close for food and drinks for the Christmas break at 2pm on Friday 22 Dec 2017 and Re-open on Wednesday 3 January  2018.


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